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What Does This Mudcloth Design Mean?

06/03/2009 13:33

Calabash Flower Mudcloth Design 

This pattern represents the flower of the calabash gourd. Calabashes are often hollowed out and dried and used very commonly across Western Africa. Sometimes they are used to make a kora, they also serve as resonators in a balafon. Some calabashes are even used as drums all by themselves after they have been hollowed out. In Nigeria, the calabash has been used to avoid a law requiring the wearing of a helmet on a motorcycle! Each piece of mudcloth has its own unique meaning, because all of the symbols painted onto the mudcloth have an important symbolism to the artist. Keep checking back for more hidden meanings found in mudcloth designs! Want to find out more about mudcloth? Click Here to see an article about the making and history of mudcloth. Click Here to shop for mudcloth scarves, clothing, and fabric on the Africa Imports web site.