Success Test

Take the test. Find out how likely are you to succeed!

You get a free prize if you have a top score.

During the last two weeks how many of these things have you done.

 1. Tried using African soaps, oils, or personal care products yourself

 2. Showed the retail catalog to at least five different people

 3. Purchased extra retail catalogs to give out

 4. Learned new ways that different African skin care products can help your customers.

 5. Purchased samples to give to possible new customers

 6. Given out free samples to at least three different people.

 7. Learned the benefits that African products give to your customers, so that you can instantly list three ways that my products will make your life better.

 8. Worn African clothing or jewelry yourself.

 9. Mentioned your new business to someone who did not know about your business already.

 10. Read all of the lessons in the free six lesson email course.

 11. Set up a website.

 12. Printed business cards

 13. Handed out or mailed fliers to at least 10 different people.

 14. Made a list of 100 people to tell about my new business.

 15. Set up a customer list that keeps track of names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of possible new customers.

 16. Set up a booth to show these products to new customers.

 17. Listed at least one product for sale in a website classified ad or auction.

Now count up the number of boxes you have checked above. Then check your score below to see how you did.

0 to 3 boxes checked
Congratulations on getting started, but you will have to put in more effort if you want to really succeed! We want to do all that we can to help you succeed, so please take a moment to go back and write down the things you can do to get started more efficiently.

4 to 6 boxes checked
You have made a great start, and you are ahead of most others. You are not an idle dreamer, and you have what it takes to succeed with a business of your own. Don’t slow down now. You still have further to go.

7 to 13 boxes checked
You are an active achiever. You are focused, and you can do whatever is required to succeed. If your success has not come to you already, just keep progressing and don’t give up.  It will come soon.

14 or more boxes checked
You are a success. You are either one of our most successful customers already, or you will be very soon. The rest of us need to learn from you. If you can honestly say that you got a score on this test that is higher than 14 boxes, email me right now. I want to put you on our list of best customers, and send you something free to keep. My email address is


Don't stop now! Come back and take the quiz again once you have completed more steps to a better business.