Noni juice is picking up more and more popularity throughout the U.S. because of its numerous health benefits. Derived from the tropical Noni plant, noni juice is brimming with Vitamins and nutrients. You'll get a good dose of Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin E, Beta Carotene, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorous, and antioxidants. Wow! That's a lot right there. So what can all these healing nutrients do for your body? Let's take a look!
The 12 Ways Noni Juice Can Heal Your Body
1 - Noni Juice Can Prevent Cancer Various clinical and laboratory research trials have suggested that noni juice can help to prevent the growth of various cancers such as lung cancer, liver cancer, and renal cancer. This is largely related to the vast number of antioxidants in Noni juice. It is also able to block carcinogen-DNA binding and prevent adduct formation.
2 - Reduces Body Fatigue Various clinical studies have shown that Noni juice helps to enhance tolerance and the physical performance of the body.
3 - Noni Juice Protects the Liver Noni juice helps protects your liver against exposure to chemicals that cause damage and illness.
4 - Noni Juice Helps to Relieve Arthritis Symptoms Noni juice has natural anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce pain, sensitivity, and swelling related to arthritis.
5 - Noni Juice Improves Memory Research has shown that drinking noni juice encourages cerebral blood flow and helps improve memory functions.
6 - Noni Juice Reduces Aging Signs Noni juice is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that stimulate collagen growth and prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.
7 - Noni Juice Strengthens the Immune System Since early times, noni juice has been valued for its ability to fight infections and other ailments due to its unique combination of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These helpful nutrients stimulate white blood cells. The scopoletin chemical in noni juice also possesses anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-histamine properties.
8 - Noni Juice Reduces Constipation
Drinking noni juice on a regular basis helps to eliminate toxins from
your body through the need to excrete more frequently. People who've
suffered from IBS and constipation for year have been able to find
relief by drinking noni juice.
9 - Noni Juice Reduces Pain Noni has been nicknamed "The Tree for Headaches" or "The Painkiller Tree" because of its strong analgesic affects.
10 - Noni Juice Helps You Sleep Better Noni juice stimulates melatonin production, which regulates your Circadian rhythms and helps you to sleep better. It also helps to improve your mood.
11 - Noni Juice Can Reduce Hypertension
Noni is high in phytonutrients, selenium, and Vitamin C which fight
free radical damage on blood vessels and work to lower blood pressure.
12 - Noni Juice Reduces Cholesterol Noni prevents the absorption of LDL cholesterol, thereby reducing plaque in the arteries.
Interested in Trying Noni Juice? You can find it at your local health food store, or online at Africa Imports here. We hope you enjoy the many benefits it can give you! Let us know your experience in the comments!