15-Year-Old Aldese Finds a Home At Maison de Nazareth




Here at Africa Imports, a percentage of every purchase made is used to support several orphanages in the Congo. One of these orphanages is the Maison de Nazareth Orphanage, where, thanks to your support, these donations provide food, housing, and medicine for orphans. We just received news about Aldese, a new girl who has found a home there. Here is the letter we just received about her: "Aldese is her name. She is 15. Her mother and father separated. She was living with her dad. He was abusing her - she got pregnant twice and he aborted both of them, they were his children. Neighbors reported to social services what they were suspecting and it was true. She is just thrilled to be at the orphanage. She is learning to make cakes and cookies. Pray she will find the Lord. She is so in need to know what love truly is, agape love. Thanks for the opportunity to minister in these orphanages." Please do keep Aldese and other orphans children like her in your prayers and thoughts. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to help these orphanages with your purchases. We hope that these kids get a chance to experience the love and safety they deserve. Click Here to find out more about the orphanages we support.