An African Canticle or Prayer from Tanzania



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This prayer was written by the Kilakala Girls school in Tanzania. You can find this in the publication: Once Upon a Time in Africa. AFRICA BLESS THE LORD And all you people and places, From Cairo to Cape Town all, From Dar es Salaam to Lagos all. Here let all the works of the Lord...BLESS THE LORD Praise and extol Him forever and ever. All you BIG things BLESS THE LORD Mount Kilimanjaro and the River Nile, The Rift Valley and the Serengeti Plain, Fat baobabs and shady mango trees, All eucalyptus and tamarind trees, You hippos and giraffes and elephants.......BLESS THE LORD Praise and extol Him forever and ever. All you TINY things BLESS THE LORD Busy black ants and hopping fleas, Wriggling tadpoles and mosquito larvae, Flying locusts and water drops, Pollen dust and tsetse flies, Millet seeds and dried dagaa...............BLESS THE LORD Praise and extol Him forever and ever. All you SHARP things BLESS THE LORD Sisal plant tips and tall lake reeds, Maasai spears and Turkana hunting arrows, A rhino's horn and crocodile teeth. ........BLESS THE LORD Praise and extol Him forever and ever. All you SOFT things BLESS THE LORD Sawdust and ashes and kapok wool, Sponges and porridge and golden ripe mangoes..BLESS THE LORD Praise and extol Him forever and ever. All you SWEET things BLESS THE LORD Wild honey and papaws and coconut milk, Pineapples and sugar cane and sun-dried dates, Slow roasted yams and banana juice..........BLESS THE LORD Praise and extol Him forever and ever. All you BITTER things BLESS THE LORD Quinine and blue soap, Sour milk and maize beer...................BLESS THE LORD Praise and extol Him forever and ever. All you SWIFT things BLESS THE LORD Wild goats and honking matatus, Frightened centipedes and lightning ...BLESS THE LORD Praise and extol Him forever and ever. All you SLOW things BLESS THE LORD Curious giraffes and old bony cows, Brown humped camels, grass munching sheep..BLESS THE LORD Praise and extol Him forever and ever. All you LOUD things BLESS THE LORD Monsoon rains on aluminum roofs, Midnight hyenas and feast day drums, Train stations and busy bus stops...........BLESS THE LORD Praise and extol Him forever and ever. All you QUIET things BLESS THE LORD Candle flames and just sown furrow, Heaps of clouds and sunny libraries, The Pyramids and Sahara Desert, Land snails and crawling turtles, Grazing zebras and stalking lions...........BLESS THE LORD Praise and extol Him forever and ever. All you creatures that never talk, STILL BLESS YOU THE LORD. PRAISE AND EXTOL HIM FOREVER AND EVER. Find out more about African culture by visiting our articles section on the Africa Imports page. Just Click Here!