Celebrating National Day in Central African Republic - December 1st




Central African Republic is a landlocked country bordering Chad, Sudan, the Congo and Cameroon. The country gained independence from the French in 1958. After three tumultuous decades of misrule - mostly by military governments - civilian rule was established in 1993. The government still does not fully control the countryside, where pockets of lawlessness persist. Unrest in neighboring nations, Chad, Sudan, and the DRC, continues to affect stability in the Central African Republic as well.

National Day is celebrated with a parade that the leaders of the country, along with the military and the locals attend. There are traditional dances, boat races, music, and food! In honor of Central African Republic, here are some interesting facts about the country you may not know: Life expectancy in Central African Republic is 43 years. Central African Republic has a population of 4,511,488 and only 12,000 people have telephones. 33% of the female population can read, and 64% of the male population. There are approximately 160,000 people living with AIDS in the country. The country's biggest exports are diamonds, timber, cotton, coffee, and tobacco. So tomorrow keep this country in mind, and try to learn more about African countries and celebrate with them in spirit. We want to wish everyone from Central African Republic a blessed National Day! To find out more about other African holidays just Click Here.