One of the projects we are most passionate about is the home in Senegal for street kids. A percentage of every sale made through Africa Imports is used to provide basic life needs to people in Africa, particularly children. With your help we have been able to help support this home for boys in Africa who are homeless. This photo shows Malick, Harouna and Babacar having fun with M'Bayang, the center helper and her one-year-old son, Ricky. Malick is about 12-years-old, although he doesn't know for sure. Many of the boys who come into the home don't know their ages, but with the help of the workers there many of the boys will be learning to read and write. Malick loves to color and draw, as you can see! This is a favorite activity of so many of the children. Harouna, second to the right, is also about 12-years-old and loves to help out with the babies! Lamine, third to the right, always seems to be happy even though he owns nothing but a begging can. This center was opened on October 15th, and it has become a haven for boys who need a place to rest their heads, get out of the hot sun, get food, vitamins, have safe play, and learn Bible stories. We thank you for purchasing African products, and in effect, helping places like this come to be. You can see more about life for these street kids here. Click here to see some of the other projects in Africa that Africa Imports supports.