Merry Christmas from Tanzania



On Christmas morning, we were called by Magessa and Anastasia (shown on the far right in the photo).

They called with everyone in their new family of 14 people. They are shown here with everyone in a photo taken just after our phone call. They called to say thank you and Merry Christmas to us and to you.

Through your purchases, Africa Imports has been paying part of Magessa's living costs for several years as he helped people in need in Africa. A year ago he was married to Anastasia (holding the baby), and together they took in seven orphan children. They could not afford to continue living in the city where they were, and moved to a rural area to care for these kids. They then took in two other children and some adults who were in hard situations. They now live without electricity or indoor plumbing, but are making a huge difference to a lot of people where they live. Anastasia is a teacher, and is starting to teach other children besides those shown in their new neighborhood.

They are wanting us to say thank you and Merry Christmas to you for your help in letting them do this work.