Baby Emanuel Finds Love at Mpila Orphanage in Congo



Emanuel And His Friend

Every day at Africa Imports, a percentage of each order placed is given to orphanages in Congo and a home for street kids in Senegal. Each day over 200 children receive food, education and a safe haven because of your orders. 

Today we got a very nice e-mail about little Emanuel who recently arrived at Mpila Orphanage in Congo. Our representative said: "Emanuel is 1 year old. He was found on a street - the police brought him to Mpila. They announced on radio but was never claimed. He is doing very, very well at Mpila. His little love tank getting all filled up with all the attention from the children around him." So thank you! Thank you for your purchases and your support, and please continue to keep the children like Emanuel in your thoughts and prayers. 

To find out more about what we do with the orphanages in Africa, just Click Here.