Everything you own or have resold from Africa Imports has helped people in need in Africa.
Making a Difference
Teachers Changing Lives
Your purchases help teachers in Zambia change lives. Read More
Meet Samson
These boys in a rural village in Burundi are shown receiving a soccer ball from Samson. Read More
Nelson and Purity
Nelson and Purity are shown here with their new daughter in Zambia. Read More
Meet Isaya
Isaya in Tanzania (shown in the center), has brought grain to the families shown here. Read More
Meet Angela
Angela helps small children suffering from malnutrition in The Gambia. Read More
Meet Rachael
Rachael Shipopa is making a huge difference in the lives of the street boys shown with her here.
Meet Ired
Ired Zulu is a nurse working in The Gambia.
Building Ability and Character
These teenage men in Tanzania are in soccer teams that your purchases help support build ability and character.
Self Help Groups for Women
In Northern Zambia, your purchases help to pay the costs of organizing self-help groups for women like the one shown here.
School in Zimbabwe
The children in this photo are students at a school staffed by volunteers in Zimbabwe. Learn about this impactful initiative.
Drought in Africa
Right now there is a very bad drought in a large part of Africa. We recently sent some extra money to help a number of needy families in parts of Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, and Malawi where this drought is severe right now.
Meet James
Help James and his family; his children and wife are all living with HIV.
Orphan Children in Zambia
Last month, 100 orphaned children in Zambia proudly received these red school jerseys.
Meet Memory
Your purchases from Africa Imports support 4 different schools in Africa. Memory (shown here) is a teacher in one of these schools.
Sewing Machines
In the last year, Africa Imports has purchased about 5 sewing machines given as gifts to different groups of women in very difficult situations.
Meet Richard
Richard Chileshe has just moved to Kassama Zambia to run a school for orphan children.
Magesa and Anastasia
Magesa and Anastasia have taken in seven orphan children to live in their home in Tanzania.
Soccer Teams
One fun thing that your purchases do is to support a few soccer teams in Africa.
School in Tanzania
This is a school in Tanzania, a normal looking classroom for most parts of Africa.
Destiny School in Zimbabwe
Destiny School in Zimbabwe was started during Covid by Israel and Shelter.
Women in Tanzania
The women in Tanzania are shown here graduating from training in sewing.
Meet Helen
Helen helps to take care of orphan children and vulnerable women in Zambia. Read More
Medical help in Zambia
Amos Mwila is paid from your purchases at Africa Imports, and is shown here providing medical help to people in a remote village in Zambia. Read More
Congo Orphans
For about 10 years, different groups of orphan children have been given groceries that are paid for from your purchases at Africa Imports. There are three different orphanages that food is donated to, and there are big meetings on Saturdays with over 100 children who come to receive this food. This not only gives each of these children food, but also gives them a sense of dignity and value when they can provide something to the home of their foster parents. The photo shows some of these children waiting to receive their groceries.
Martha M. in Eastern Zambia
Martha shown here with her husband and three children.
Martha teaches literacy and sewing skills to about 160 different women. We have communicated about different things many times. She is exceptionally dedicated and capable. She also trains and watches over some other people who she is training to do the same work that she is doing. Your purchases from Africa Imports help to support the work that Martha does with so many women.
Patrick K. in Northern Zambia
Patrick shown standing in center (tallest).
Patrick K. is paid in part by Africa Imports to work at his personal passion of helping handicapped people to survive in Africa. He spends most of his time teaching basic life skills to people in wheelchairs or on crutches.
Sinorie in Southern Madagascar
Sinorie lives in Southern Madagascar where she teaches people basic skills. Part of her work paid for from your purchases at Africa Imports. Read More
New School For Orphans
For the last 10 years, Africa Imports has been supporting Good News School in Zambia. Read More
School gives Rose more than education
Rose was traumatized by the death of her father. Read More
Helping people with no access to medical care
Learning new skills during a difficult time of life
Lengwe is a single mother who has not been able to go to school.
Meet Golden
One of the people who your purchases supports is a man named Golden Kateya.
Meet Cornelious
Over the years, Africa Imports has been able to send a number of people to medical school and other training, just like Cornelious.
Meet Cecilia
Cecilia is a nurse who your purchases with Africa Imports has supported.
Meet Martha
Martha Kunda trains vulnerable younger women.
Daudi in Tanzania
Daudi in Tanzania is someone who your purchases helps to pay wages for each month.
Widow in Zimbabwe
Sometimes we run into people who are making a big difference for people in Africa, like the woman wearing gray t-shirt in this photo, who's a widow, who took in 10 children to her care.
Children at Makwati School in Zambia
These children at Makwati School in Zambia receive a free meal each school day.
Theresa in Northern Zambia
Theresa is a 14 year old girl in Northern Zambia. She has been sick for most of her childhood.
Makwati School
These Makwati School teachers work with children from very needy homes.
Rodrigue and Abbie
Rodrigue and Abbie are originally from Trinidad. They have lived in Africa for many years now, and do medical trips to work in small villages in Ghana.
Sharon in South Africa
One of the more inspiring people who we get to work with is Sharon in South Africa.
School Supplies for Orphans in Congo
Distributing school supplies for orphans in Congo.
Anthony lived on the streets for a part of his teenage years. He now works with to help other street children.
Morgan is shown here with his wife and two children. Morgan works with street children.
Issac and Ruth
Issac and Ruth are shown here with their three children. Isaac leads a team of people to help Aids patients adjust and work within the regular society in Zambia. Ruth teaches in a grade school for children from poor families who can not afford the public schools.
Another person your purchases helped with medical costs this month is Alfred.
For the last four years, Alfred has been partially supported by your purchases at Africa Imports. He has been helping people in especially bad poverty in a number of ways. He also has been helping people suffering with AIDS.
Liddell recently needed special surgery for his mouth.
Liddel/ has recently underwent surgery to treat his mouth. He is shown here before and after his diagnosis
Be Inspired
Be inspired as these are teachers dedicate themselves to teach homeless children in Zambia.
Orphan children in Congo
These orphan children in Congo receive groceries from the purchases you make with Africa Imports.
Pius has been working to help street children in Malawi for at least two years now.
Pius works with a rehab center, and your purchases from Africa Imports help to pay Pius a salary for his work.
One of the ways that your orders with Africa Imports makes a difference in Africa is in helping street children and orphans
Each month there are about 600 orphan children in Congo who are supplied with groceries. Some of the girls in this group are shown competing with some older women to show who can dance the best.
There are a number of people who Africa Imports helps to support who work to help other people in need.
One of these is Sinorie in southern Madagascar. She is shown in the photo below (in the light color dress) helping her mother in their garden.
Your purchases from Africa Imports, help to pay the living costs of the people who run this school in rural Zambia.
In June, several children in the school were sick with malaria. Another is in the hospital with HIV complications. Read More
Concilia in rural Zambia
Concilia is a 17 years old girl in rural Zambia who cannot sit, stand, or walk, but can only lie on her stomach. Read More
Kasama village in Zambia
The water well in Kasama village in Zambia has dried up due to climate change. Read More
Ashleigh in South Africa is someone who your purchases from Africa Imports helps to support.
She is shown here dancing in a training session where she is learning to work better with people living in financial need. Read More
Volunteers in Zimbabwe start a school for children who can not pay for schooling
Last summer, Israel and Shelter in Zimbabwe started a school for orphans and other children who could not go to school otherwise. They started in their home, and now have about 150 children with uniforms and a small building to meet in. Read more here
One of the most inspiring people who we get to work with is Hanitrar in Madagasca
Hanitra is shown here with some of the children who she is helping with food during an extreme drought where she has lived her whole life in Madagascar Read more
Creating new businesses in Africa
One of the people who your purchases help to support is Brian Mutarwa in Zimbabwe. Brian helps people in Africa to start their own businesses. Brian has had schooling and years of experience in business, and now works most of the time teaching others to run new businesses. What Brian does is an exceptionally valuable way of increasing prosperity in Africa. It is a much more long term project than supplying food or other needs, but the long term benefits can make a huge difference. Brian says “People from China and the west see the opportunities in Africa, but our own people get left out”. Read more
Meet Salamatu
Salamatu doesn't know her true age, and does not know her parents. She is probably 14 years old however. She is one of several Fulani girls in Northern Ghana who your purchases are helping to train for sewing skills. Read More
Alfred and Helen
Alfred and Helen are an educated, capable and very respected couple. They recently moved with their family to a very poor and more crime prone neighborhood, from a home in a much different type of place. Read More
Sinorie in Madagascar
One of the people we send money to who helps others is named Sinorie in the south part of Madagascar. There is a severe drought there now, and people there are really suffering.
We have known Sinorie since before the drought started. The last few months we have been sending her an extra $100 each month to help other people with. Sinorie is not highly educated, and does not speak English well, but she has a beautiful heart. Here is what she wrote back to us about this today. The photo is of one of the women who was helped with this extra gift who she is writing about.
I am writing about the money you gave us, 3 men and 9 woman receive the support. They are very happy.
One woman thanks you for the gift because it helped when they have not food and water, her husband does work far away. She said she read john 17:5 and pray to God for food and God sent me to give it to her. Water is very expensive in the village. Sometimes there is none to buy for cooking.
Thank you very much.
Half of the profits from your purchases at Africa Imports goes to help people like Sinorie and the people she helps in her community. Thank you again for your business and for making these gifts possible.
Kingfred works in one of the most remote parts of Africa
One of the more interesting people who your purchases helps to support in Africa is Kingfred – shown in the blue shirt and facemask here. Kingfred lives in a small village on an Island in Lake Tanganyika between Zambia and Tanzania. There are over 20 small villages on this island. Read more
Martha is working to help other women
Martha in Zambia has worked as a Nurse in different hospitals. She has also worked as an HIV counselor, and had started a preschool in her home. In 2014 she “retired” and now spends her time helping and educating vulnerable and abused women. Read More
Pharen helps other people with very difficult lives in Africa
One of the people in Africa who Africa Imports sends money to is Pharen. Pharen lives in Zambia where she teaches sewing and some other work skills to women who have suffered abuse. Pharen had been doing this work almost full time as a volunteer with no pay for many years before we met her in 2018. She receives only $100./month from us (a small amount by even African standards), but this is enough for her to live on with her very simple lifestyle. Read More
Two of the people in Africa who are paid from your purchases to work helping others are Golden and Dorothy.
They are shown below at their home close to Lake Tanganyika in Zambia.
Golden and Dorothy both teach in a school that teaches vulnerable and disadvantaged children. In addition to their teaching work, they also put together and coach different groups of women to earn income through small businesses that they work with each other on. They call these groups of women self-help groups.
The women in these self-help groups each save up very small amounts of money which they Read More
How one couple is making a big difference for children during the pandemic in Zimbabwe
One Africa Import’s helpers in Zimbabwe recently had to slow down on his regular work when coronavirus caused some shutdowns. They could have relaxed a little bit with the extra time off. They are both passionate about making a difference for children however. Read More
Meet Angela in Zambia
Angela lives in Zambia where she is in school for nursing, and where she works part-time assisting and counseling people with AIDS. For the last several years, we have been sending a relatively small amount for Angela to live on. This is considered payment for her services to AIDS sufferers and allows her to continue her schooling.
There can be a lot of shame that is associated with having AIDS in many African cultures. It is often very difficult for people suffering with AIDS to stay healthy socially and emotionally as well as physically. Angela gives basic medical advice and assistance in everyday life adjustments to these patients. Angela is also HIV positive.
Meet Thabiso and Lunga in South Africa
This is Thabiso and Lunga in South Africa. They were just married. Thabiso recently graduated from college and works overseeing a work skills training center for a large group of disadvantaged women. He has also been organizing food distribution for people affected by covid-19. We have been paying part of Thabiso’s work costs for the last 18 months. He is very capable.
Lunga graduated from medical school and is beginning her residency. These two were just married a couple of months ago. She is not technically supported by Africa Imports, but she feels the same way as Thabiso about the work that they do. These two are both people who are really needed and can make a big difference for a lot of people in Africa. They both have a strong commitment to helping others, and money is not the reason that they go to work each day. But they could not do what they are doing or use all of their potential without the money that they get from you and us.
Meet Joseph and Mary Mutale in Zambia
Joseph and Mary live in a rural area of Zambia where they do farming, and teach others to use better farming methods. They have three teenage boys. Joseph also teaches and coaches boys soccer.
When we first met Joseph, I was exceptionally impressed with his dedication. Without having any money, he went through some training for farming with methods that make the land much more productive. These slightly advanced methods are not common in the area where he and Mary live. While doing this, Mary counseled and taught young women who had been abused how to read and do more skilled work. They continued their work without regular pay.
After this, they moved back to the area where they lived before. They showed others how to use the farming methods that they had learned, and developed a garden that used irrigation techniques to produce much more food than was commonly produced by others. They have continued to develop and expand this garden so that other in this community can be supported by it as well. There are also a number of children and young people who come to their home for assistance.
Here is how these seven kids in Tanzania get to and from school each day. The school is about 4 miles from their home.
Magessa (shown here) and his wife Anastasia take care of these seven orphan children. Your purchases from Africa Imports help to pay the cost of their school and meals.
Maybe you are also better at wearing a mask than these first-year medical students in Zambia. They are learning fast though. Your purchases are paying for medical school for Clive (shown in the middle without a tie). Clive is from a difficult home, but was still one of the best students at Good News school– which your purchases support. A lot of us are very proud that he was able to get accepted to this college to begin his medical studies. Your purchases from Africa Imports are now helping to pay his medical school costs.
Faly and Holy (mother) just had their first child (Phineas) in Madagascar. Holy is someone we have known and helped to support while she helps refugees from the Island of Comoros with their families. Because their child was born with asthma and some other complications, these parents needed to buy some “very expensive” medicine right away. The cost was $35.US per day for 10 days. They had $150 from some other relatives, and money from your purchases gave them the other $200. It may not be big money by US standards, but it was enough to make a really big difference in the life of this child and family.
Cecelia is a nurse in Zambia who does medical for people with no other access to medical services. Your purchases helped to pay for some of Cecelia’s schooling as a nurse. Now these purchases pay some of her living expenses while she does this work. A part of each order from Africa Imports is used to support African people who work to help others with even greater needs.
Miora lives in Madagascar, where she teaches young children. She is paid for this through your purchases. In January we sent her a small bonus to pay for glasses she needed. She sent us this photo of her new glasses taken outside of her home. It was kind of a surprise to get. She lives in a very inexpensive home, but Madagascar gives her a view that would cost a fortune here.
After school some of the kids shown here go home to teach their own mothers to read. These children all come from very poor homes, and could not easily afford to go to school normally. Your purchases pay most of the costs of Good News school on Lake Tanganyika where they (and 150 other children) attend school each day.
There are 5 homeless young men in Nairobi who worked together to make these key chains. Each key chain had all of the beads being strung by hand. Your purchase helped to make a big difference to the men shown here. They were each needing work, and were able to take pay some of their expenses that they probably could not have otherwise.
How we Give
- How much we give?
- How do we decide who to give to?
- How can you help?
Find Out About Our Newest Orphanages and Schooling Projects in Africa!
- Lake Tanganyika Orphanage School in Zambia
- Meet the Teachers - Congo Orphanages
- Senegal Street Kids Day Home
Read updated biographies and updates on the orphans at the Africa Imports Blog.
"Thanks to Africa imports...I do feel closer to Africa, and I'm very grateful to be a part of a company who gives to those who are really less fortunate. God bless this company. Thanks."
- Lasandra Fort Worth Texas