How to Burn Incense


Burning incense has an almost magical effect that goes beyond the sense of smell. It has been used for thousands of years in religious ceremonies and for private prayer and meditation. You can also use it for aromatherapy –or just to make your house smell nice!

Incense comes in several forms. At Africa Imports we sell

incense sticks and incense cones, as well as burners for both types. To light both kinds of incense, hold a lighter or lighted match to the tip, let it burn a few seconds and then blow out the flame. You should see a glowing ember at the top, with fragrant smoke rising from the incense.

There are different kinds of incense burners that will hold your incense safely:

  • Strip burners, also called incense boats, are wooden strips with holes for the end of the incense stick, and a groove to help catch any ashes.
  • Ornamental holders like this tower burner can be used for both sticks and incense cones.
      • To burn cone incense, remove the bottom of the burner, place the lighted cone inside, and then put the tower back on top. The holes in the sides will filter the smoke from the incense cone.
      • If you’re using stick incense, just put the stick through one of the holes at the top of the burner.
  • The Backflow burner for cone incense will turn incense smoke into a beautiful waterfall-like display.

Safety first! A lighted piece of incense is just as dangerous as a lighted candle, even though there’s an ember instead of flame at the top. Keep burning incense away from anything flammable. After the incense is finished, rinse it under cold water to make sure all the embers are out.

Always use incense in a well-ventilated room. Otherwise, the smoke may irritate your nose and eyes.