How to Make Whipped Shea Butter



Shea butter is nature's #1 moisturizer. Whipped shea butter is a creamy, skin friendly, form of shea butter with the composition of whipped cream. When you make your own whipped shea butter cream, you keep away from the chemical additives and preservatives found in most commercial shea butter creams. 

Making a whipped shea butter cream is not hard; but it takes some practice and testing effort before it may be perfect for you. Don't get discouraged if your first try isn’t perfect. Your whipped shea butter will probably improve with each batch. There are some popular techniques for whipping shea butter that you actually might want to avoid. Many of these recommend melting the shea butter. Heating or melting the shea butter can remove some of its effectiveness. The method shown here is easy and does not require you to melt the shea butter.

What you need: - Mixer – preferably electric. - Bowl for mixing - Clean unfilled container/jar to store your finished product

Ingredients: The measurement shown below are probably your best starting point. Although you will almost certainly be happy with the shea butter that you get this way, you can still change the measurements and other parts of this process as you go. Be a little bit creative and you can end up with the perfect whipped shea butter: 

- 5 oz or 70ml. Unrefined shea butter

- 2-3 tablespoon base oil. You can use grape seed oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, or almost any other carrier oil. You can make your whipped shea butter without any extra ingredients; but many natural oils will give your whipped shea butter a friendlier texture, and more healing qualities.

 - 11-21 drops essential oil(s). (This is optional. Many people do not want fragrance in their shea butter. The natural smell of shea butter is not as pleasant as another fragrance oil might make it for you though.)


1. Before you begin to make whipped shea butter, ensure that your unrefined shea butter is on a room temperature. Try not to melt or bring warmth it! Put your shea butter in a bowl and mash it with a fork. 

2. Add your carrier and fragrance oils and mash it again until the oils are evenly distributed in the shea butter. 

3. Put the mixture into the mixing bowl. Blend it with electric blender for 3-6 minutes on a medium to high speed. You can stop blending at any time when the weight and consistency of your shea butter is just what you want it to be. 

4. Put your whipped shea butter cream in a clean jar/container and close it. For best results, keep this in a cool, dry place. Your shea butter will be fine in other environments; but cool and dry is best. Shea Butter is a truly powerful skin lotion/moisturizer. Whether utilized as a solid cream or whipped into a soft uniformity, a little bit can go a long ways. It dissolves easily into the skin and is promptly absorbed. It gives your skin valuable vitamins A and E; and helps to slow visible aging. Want to buy whipped shea butter instead of making it? Get yours today!


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