Make Your Own Natural Cleaning Solution!



Use your own natural cleaning solution to take the soap scum off the bathtub and make the ceramic sink shine! What you'll need: 

2 cups hot water 

1/2 cup of baking soda 

A few drops of sweet orange essential oil (or any of your favorite essential oils) 

How you make it: In a 2 liter bottle, or any other bottle or container, mix the hot water with the baking soda to dissolve the soda. Add a drop or two of orange essential oil to enhance the cleaning power and create a pleasant scent. Use gloves to protect your hands and nails. Wet a cleaning cloth with your natural cleanser and wipe dirty surfaces to get a quick, clean shine easily. Why use natural cleaning supplies? They put less harsh pollutants in the air, they create a longer-lasting clean, and they're cheaper! Want to get sweet orange essential oil? Click Here! Find even more essential oils and natural products by checking out the links below! 

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