African Proverbs - Kuba



Women are part of the origin of life’s big mystery on earth; they know the secret of a good life.

~ Kuba Proverb The Kuba is an old empire in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) known for it traditional art and design. The life and work of the Kuba woman centered on the home and duties to her family. She is a mother of many children and the wise and industrious manager of the household, providing for the welfare of her husband and children. A Kuba woman knows the path of success in life. She plays a critical role. Her skills,resourcefulness, industry, wisdom, and hospitality, rather than her fertility or beauty, make her keep her home, husband, and the entire family together. A Kuba woman is considered as a life giver. She is mother to the society. This is the ideal portrait of the adult female in the Kuba Empire. Did you know we have Kuba cloth? Take a look here. To see what else we have to offer, visit Africa Imports.