Ashanti Masks and Their Part in African Culture



The Ashanti mask shown above comes from the Akan people group in Ghana. While the masks are beautiful, there is more history to them then meets the eye! African masks like these are often part of a ceremonial costume and are used in religious and social events to represent the spirits of ancestors. The masks are believed to bridge the gap between the spiritual realm and the physical realm, bringing the spirits of the ancestors and other entities to life through their usage. They are used in events such as initiation ceremonies and masquerade performances. The masks are brought to life through dance and the atmosphere of the occasion. Many times, the wearer of the mask would also wear an elaborate costume to conceal their identity and add to the mysticism of the mask. This mask belongs to the Akan tribe in Ghana. This mask is 7" large and is made in Ghana. Want to have your own African mask? Check out the links below to find out how!


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