Homemade Bronzing Body Butter



Homemade Bronzing Body Butter Step out with a NATURAL sun-kissed glow! This whipped body butter is a wonderful moisturizer that can be enjoyed by all! Unlike other bronzers with harmful chemicals, this butter, composed of all-natural ingredients, will nourish your skin and give you a sun-kissed glow!


1 cup (8 oz) shea butter 

1/2 cup coconut oil 

1/2 cup olive oil 

1-2 Tablespoons cocoa or cacao powder 

1 Tablespoon ground nutmeg 

2 Tablespoons ground cinnamon 

1 teaspoon naturally-derived Vitamin E oil 

5-10 drops essential oil (lavender a good choice)


1.Using a double boiler (or a small bowl that fits over a small pot), melt the shea butter and coconut oil on low heat. When they become completely liquified, remove from heat. Let cool for 30 minutes. 

2. Mix in the olive oil, cacao powder, cinnamon and nutmeg, essential oil and vitamin E.

 3.Place the oil mixture in the freezer to firm up. 

4.When the oil mixture is partially solidified, remove from freezer and whip the partially-solidified mixture until peaks form. (The consistency will be like whipped butter)

 5.Scoop into a clean, glass jar.

Please note: Shea butter can be substituted for other butters like cocoa butter, mango butter, coffee butter, etc Olive oil can be substituted for sweet almond oil, or jojoba oil or something similar. Choose an essential oil that is “skin-friendly”–not all essential oils are Make sure to CLEARLY label the jar as this body butter, as it can look and smell delicious-- but it's not edible! 

Click here to get your ingredients!