How Tea Tree Oil Can Heal Sun Damage



Tea Tree Oil - 4 oz.

Tea tree oil is one of nature's most effective ways to soothe or prevent a sunburn. It has very strong analgesic properties that help to calm and relieve pain and stinging. For immediate sunburn relief, dilute one part pure tea tree oil with ten parts olive oil or coconut oil, and spread the mixture on your singed skin. To add a cooling effect, include aloe or lavender oil in the mixture.

Tea tree oil can also help to reduce blistering and peeling. You can apply full-strength tea tree oil directly on your sunburn, however people with sensitive skin should stick to using it in a diluted form. Once your skin has calmed down after some time outside, add a few drops of tea tree oil to vitamin E or aloe vera lotion and apply it to your entire body. The healing properties of tea tree oil will help rejuvenate and rehydrate your skin post-sun. This in turn will help reduce the aging effects that sun exposure can have on the skin. To find out more about how tea tree oil can help you, Click Here to get some of your own tea tree oil, Click Here.