How You Are Helping Orphans in Congo!



Orphans Happy to Have Their Own Chickens!

At Africa Imports, a percentage of every purchase you make is used to support orphanages in Congo and a street home for children in Senegal. While there are many orphans housed in orphanages, there are also many who are living with grandparents, extended family, or friends. Many of these homes are very impoverished and can't afford to have another mouth to feed so many of the families struggle to get by. We decided to get some referrals of families like these from our representatives at the various orphanages in Congo, and then we supplied chickens to each of the homes as a special gift and surprise. Thanks to you this was able to happen! Without your purchases we wouldn't be able to support the orphans in Congo this way. So thank you! To find out more about how your purchases help Africa, just Click Here.