Ideas from other customers that help them get extra sales



Here are three ideas that our customers have emailed to us recently. See if you can find something to help your own business by seeing what others are doing. 

Family reunions - This year will be our 41st annual family reunion; and we are having theme nights each night. There is Hawaii night; Jamaica night; and African church service night. We are setting up a straw market each night complete with booths and family vendors. I am setting up a booth with African clothing, jewelry, soaps, and oils. This gives me the chance to make some extra sales; and it gives family members access to items that they wouldn't find ordinarily. This also gives them something more to remember the family reunion by. Janet in Georgia. 

When I sell shea butter in local bazaars, I get offers from store owners to sell it in their stores. One thing that helps me is that I give out an informative pamphlet which customers find very interesting. Rosalyn in Alabama 

But 98% of a businesses success is from its first impressions left to the surrounding environment. A warm and sincere, person-focused, sales technique will be received like that north Star on that night in Bethlehem. Truly these are exciting days for the culturally astute! With so much 2nd-class rural business desertification, those who know how to offer the pure waters from within...will have more in return then they can store. Shaun in Inglewood, CA 

Need more ideas? You can find more ways to grow your African business here. If there is something that you do that helps your customers, why not share it. You help others in different cities to keep their businesses and African culture thriving. Just email me any time at