Jennifer Finds a Home at Charité Orphanage



At Africa Imports a percentage of every purchase made is used to support three orphanages in Congo and one home for street boys in Senegal. One of these orphanages is Charité Orphanage. Your purchases help to provide meals, beds, safe housing, medicine and education to these children. Here's the story of Jennifer, one of the girls living at Charité orphanage:

Jennifer at Charite Orphanage

"Jennifer, who is holding little Olendo Noel, is 8 years old. Her mother was a prostitute. During the war when soldiers from Angola were in town she met up and moved in with one of the soldiers. These groups of soldiers were sent back to Angola in groups. Jennifer's Dad was in the third group to be sent back. When he left the mother went screaming after him with Jennifer, then 4 years old and threw her at his feet and fled. He took his daughter and left her on the street in Mbochi as they were marching out of town. Church members that are associated with Charité orphanage lived nearby, took her in and then eventually brought her to the orphanage." 

Thank you for your help supporting orphans like Jennifer and Olendo Noel. Please keep these children in your prayers. To find out more about what we do with these orphanages just Click Here.