Martyr's Day in Malawi - March 3rd



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Today, March 3, is Martyr's day in Malawi. The holiday is meant to commemorate forty people who lost their lives in 1959 during an uprising against British colonialism. In 1953 the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (which is now Malawi) was formed, over the strong opposition of Nyasaland's African population, who were afraid that the more aggressively white-oriented policies of Southern Rhodesia would eventually be applied to them. Through many protests, and through the leadership of Dr. Hastings Kamuz Banda, Malawi became an independent country in 1966. Martyr's day is still celebrated yearly in Malawi. The holiday is a solemn day of mourning for those who gave their lives for the independence of Malawi. Many schools and government offices and business will be closed today. You can order a Malawi Flag on the Africa Imports web site. You can also find many more articles about African people groups and more. Just Click Here