Princie Finds A Home At Moukondo Orphanage



14-year-old Princie

Here at Africa Imports, a percentage of every purchase made is used to support orphanages in Congo and a home for street boys in Senegal. Orphan children are provided with housing, clothing, food, medical supplies, and education. Here’s an update sent to us about Princie, pictured above: "This is Princie. She is 14 years old. Four months ago her father was killed during a hunt in their village up north. Her Mom was pregnant and gave birth soon after. Because her father was not found immediately but only later there are many dark rumors and superstitious phenomena happening. An aunt here in Brazza was forced to take Princie into her home. This home is already destitute so the conditions worsen with Princie's presence. Princie cried when she recounted her story. With this gift of food into the household it will help her standing and give her just a bit of value." This letter is not only a thank you to you, any customer of Africa Imports, for being a part of this program to help children, but it is also a request for prayer for the needs of children like Princie in Africa and around the world. If you’d like to find out more about this orphanage and what we do in the Congo just Click Here.