2017 was the biggest year ever for help sent to Africa



In 2017 Africa Imports:

1 - Helped to support about 150 extra very disadvantaged children in Africa: mostly orphans and street children. 

2 - Helped to support 6 extra adults who work with children, youth, and others doing medical work, teaching, and counseling.

 3 - Increased the number of products we carry that are made by at risk women learning new work skills.

 4 - And here's a little thing that gave us a lot of good feelings. There is a school in northern Zambia where a group of five teachers all work for free to teach and feed over 100 street children. We have not been able to support this group regularly. We were able to send a $100. Christmas gift to each of the volunteer teachers though. See how school looked for these children and teachers when we visited them in August. The video below lets you see and hear the kids in school. 

We hope that you will visit us at Africa Imports. Your purchases have made this help all possible.