Repair and replenish damaged hair! Black Jamaican Castor Oil naturally
provides growth, prevents damage, conditions hair, moisturizes the scalp
and helps prevent split ends. Deep conditioning hair is an essential
part of any hair care regimen to growing beautiful, healthy hair! How
often you deep condition is a matter of personal preference, although
there are tell-tale signs of when a treatment is needed, such as
drier/brittle hair or excessive breakage.
Follow these simple steps below to deep condition:
1. Prepare
-Wear an old shirt or protective clothes in case of staining
-Pour sufficient oil in a container (a little goes a long way)
-If you don't like applying oil by hands, you may use an applicator brush
-Keep a warm towel or hair cap nearby
2. Apply
-Section your hair in to four parts
-If you are using an applicator brush, dip the brush in the oil and
start applying slowly on to the scalp first. If you are using your
fingers (recommended) wet your fingers in the oil and apply by making
small round circles on to the scalp. This will increase the blood
circulation and will also help you to get a relaxing hair massage.
-Once you are done with the scalp, apply remaining oil on to the whole
hair from root to tip
3. Wait
-Wrap your hair in warm towel (recommended) or hair cap and leave it for at least 30 mins - 2 hours
4. Shampoo -Pick your favorite shampoo and conditioner . Wash hair and condition as usual. -Your hair regimen doesn't need to be complicated or expensive, but you should make time to perform a this basic treatment on a regular basis to keep your mane as healthy as possible! Want to get your own Jamaican black castor oil? Just check out the links below!
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