More meals for street children



One person we have worked with for the last year is Williamson. He has been very thorough in reporting to us on what goes on from his work. He is a very conscientious and capable person. He has a wife and four children and lives in Ndola in Zambia. I had seen a photo of Williamson’s wife (Miriam) but had never spoken with her before. Two weeks ago we got to meet her in Zambia.  

Miriam is really different from Williamson. She has an arresting smile, and is very personable, energetic, and connecting. She grows corn, makes nsheema (the staple food in the area), and feeds about 10 orphan children each day 6 days/week. There are a lot of other kids who she would give food to also, but 10 is all she can afford to make meals for with the corn that she grows. We are now sending her an extra $240./month, and they should be able to feed an extra 40-50 street children each day with this. Another woman there named Berta who we have known for about four years will be helping her with this also. I always get suspicious when giving people money, and it doesn’t always work out. Somehow these two people are really, really hard not to trust though. Here is their photo from two weeks ago in Zambia. $240./month works out to less than $10./day for feeding these extra children. For me it is exceptionally motivating to be able to see so many children helped by such super nice people as Miriam and Berta. Thanks again for letting me have such a fun job here. Wayne Africa Imports