Africa Imports is now supporting a program called Good Friend in Congo. This is a unique program unlike any of the other orphanage projects we work with. Good Friend helps to support children who live in private homes who are very poor and are just one step away from being on the streets. Many times they are orphans who live with an extended family member. Right now we are supporting 57 children through Good Friend. This is up from about 30 kids one year ago. There are four African representatives who visit these children in their homes and distribute their food and make sure they are being properly cared for and the food is being given to them.
Our representative in Congo sent us this e-mail: "There are now 53 in Good Friend. It is such an enjoyable ministry, thank YOU, thank YOU. Barb" We want to thank you for caring about these children. A percentage of each purchase you make from us is used towards feeding orphans or for programs like Good Friend. Check back regularly to see more about how you’re able to make a difference in these children’s lives. You can also find out more about how we help Africa here.