Catalogs Main

Spring 2025 Wholesale Catalog

Page Turning Version

PDF to view or save - 92 pages


2025 Spring Retail Catalog

Print for your customers with retail prices listed.

2025 Fall Catalog - No Prices

Print for your customers with no prices listed.


Giant All Choices Catalog

Health & Beauty Retail Brochure

Clothing & Artwork Retail Brochure

February Flyer

Current Oils List

You Get More!

Click on any catalog to view. You can also print out or download and save a copy of any catalog shown here (You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these downloadable versions, Download Adobe Acrobat Reader).

How to give catalogs to your customers

You can download the catalog onto your own computer, and then share it with others. The file is large, and may be difficult to email. You can share big files with Dropbox or other file sharing services.

How to get printed copies

Printed copies of catalogs are mailed to our existing customers whenever they are printed. You will be mailed one if you have purchased from us any time in the last two years. If there is anything that you want to order, a copy of the most recent printed catalog will be sent to you with your order. You will also then be on our mailing lists to receive new catalogs when they are available.

Does this catalog show all of the Africa Imports products?

Only the best selling items are shown in the printed catalogs. Everything is shown on our website. When something new is added, it appears on the website automatically. When something goes out of stock, it is removed from the website automatically.

There are about 3,000 products on our website, and about 1,000 products in the largest printed catalog. Many items do not have enough items in stock to list in the printed catalog. There are about 100 new products added each month in between printed catalogs. You can always see everything here.

I love the catalogs. It is a definite ice breaker for a conversation to a potential client. ~ Ed in Raleigh, NC

At the post office a postal clerk noticed the envelope and made a comment. I presented her with a shea butter sample and two brochures. She shared the brochures with co-workers and now we have three satisfied customers at our local post office. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! ~ Zakia in Richmond VA